I see many patients with neck pain at the Broadgate Spine & Joint Clinic and have found this condition to be one of the most rewarding and successful to treat with acupuncture. I initially make a medical assessment in the traditional way by taking a history and making an examination. I will then decide if Read More
Who Needs To See a Spinal Neurosurgeon? The main indication that you need to see a spinal surgeon is if your symptoms have not recovered following “conservative management”. The latter might include time, which is a very powerful healer, rest, lifestyle modification, tablets, and physical therapy such as physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture and Pilates. There Read More
As with most musculoskeletal problems, the diagnoses of arthritic conditions can be divided into those that are inflammatory and those that are mechanical. Inflammatory causes of neck pain are much less common and include ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica, infections and, rarely, malignancies. Mechanical causes are more frequently encountered and are generally due to Read More
The neck is a very complex part of the body and many people can experience varying degrees of pain in the area. It encompasses a large number of tissues, which are neatly held in place by dynamic and passive stabilisers. The dynamic stabilisers are more commonly known as muscles and tendons and you will know Read More
Neck pain is a common complaint that affects many people at some stage in their life and it can be effectively treated with osteopathy. Investigating neck pain A patient with neck pain symptoms will have an initial consultation, which begins with a thorough case history and objective examination. Neurological, osteopathic and orthopaedic tests will be Read More
One of the most common ailments we come across at our clinic is neck pain. These are subdivided in categories depending on the severity and longevity of the condition. It is always very important to ascertain the factors surrounding the onset of symptoms and how the situation has progressed or regressed. Depending on what the Read More
Neck pain is the second most common complaint seen by chiropractors in practice2. The neck supports the weight and movement of your head and with the amount of driving, computer work and other daily activities that most of us do, it is not surprising that problems occur. Neck pain can be caused by the long-term Read More
The neck, also referred to as the cervical spine, can cause neck pain for many of us at some point in our life. In this blog, we aim to educate you about this area of the body so you can understand neck problems, neck symptoms and neck ache treatment. Anatomy and function of the cervical Read More