The knee is probably on the most stressed joint in the human body. Therefore it is also one of the most complex. All joints have bones, cartilage, tendons, muscles, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels to allow its function. The knee relies on 12 muscles at least to perform its function. It also has the Read More
There are two fundamentally different approaches to acupuncture. Acupuncture as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese acupuncture is based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), an ancient system of medicine originating in the East two thousand years ago. This is based on the belief that energy (or Qi, pronounced ‘chee’) flows throughout the body along Read More
Structure: The medial collateral ligament (MCL) of the knee is a 10-12cm long structure situated on the inside of the knee formed of collagen fibres. The tensile and elastic properties of ligaments are important to stabilise joints (bone-to-bone) but also allow movement. The MCL protects the knee from valgus stress – outward movement of the Read More
Lower back pain (LBP) affects 80% of adults during their lifetime with varying causes and therefore treatments (Papageorgiou, 1995). The most common causes are heavy lifting or increased frequency of load lifting, age, female and poor general health all being strong predictors of LBP. However altered lower limb biomechanics are also considered a factor Read More
It is rare when something comes along for it to offer both a system of diagnosis and a protocol for treatment. The painstaking work that has gone into the development of the MAST Medical, and in particular by the director Dr Hanne Albert, is very welcome. The new MAST Medical treatment provides help for a Read More
I have written a number of articles on Modic changes and antibiotic treatment in the Broadgate Journal. Hopefully, these articles have helped readers understand what Modic changes are and why antibiotic treatment helps the overwhelming majority – but not all patients with Modic findings. Patients whose Modic changes are not a result of bacterial infection Read More
In a recent article on the Broadgate Journal I introduced a new neck pain classification system that was developed by an international research group led by Drs Scott Haldemann and David Cassidy. These two renowned researchers led an international Task Force in investigating all aspects of Neck Pain over a 10 year period. The research Read More
Recently an international panel of research experts in the field of neck science published a wide ranging series of studies regarding neck pain. The panel was led by Dr Scott Haldeman and Dr David Cassidy. Their work was carried out during a 10 year period – The Bone & Joint Decade – and was published Read More
Lower back pain is extraordinarily common and approximately 80% of the population will experience an episode of pain during the course of their lives. Most episodes resolve on their own, but lower back pain is not nearly as self-limiting as previously thought. Newer research has demonstrated that upwards of 10% of the population are suffering Read More
It is well known that lower back pain is a significant problem both in terms of suffering, costs to the individual as well as society at large. What is less well known is exactly how staggeringly large a problem it actually is. This article will review the current status regarding lower back pain. NUMBER OF Read More