The New Year is a time for resolutions. Maybe, for you, one is to stop smoking. This is probably one of the most common New Year’s resolutions and yet it is also, sadly, one of the most difficult to achieve. There are many good reasons to try to quit. Smoking is a serious cause of Read More
Neck pain can be frustrating and distracting as well as excruciating and if you are suffering from it, it is likely that you will be seeking a fast form of pain relief that allows you to get on with enjoying your life. In order to effectively and accurately treat your neck pain, your doctor will Read More
To accurately and most effectively treat your neck pain or back pain, your doctor will need to make a proper diagnosis. This involves determining what the cause of your pain actually is. When a diagnosis has been made, he or she will be better able to prescribe medications and/or spinal injections to deal with your Read More
When you suffer from neck pain, you may be tempted to reach for an ice pack or apply heat to the area in the hope of relieving the pain. While this can be an effective treatment in some cases, it is not always appropriate, so you should take care to use the right treatment for Read More
Many patients who experience neck pain come to the clinic and inform us that they have applied either ice or heat to their neck due to pain. More often than not, they have made the wrong choice. This article will address when it is appropriate to use either ice or heat treatment for neck pain. Read More
As well as causing you discomfort, neck pain can also lead to related headaches for many patients. Interestingly, women are four times more likely to suffer from these type of headaches but male patients can encounter them too. What is a neck pain headache? There are many different types of headaches and they can share Read More
Many patients who are suffering with neck pain will also experience headache. Female patients are four times as likely to experience headache in conjunction with neck pain. Headache may result from referred pain from the bony structures and soft tissues of the neck. According to the International Headache Classification, headaches due to neck disorders are Read More
Neck pain is a troublesome and stressful condition that affects many patients in varying ways. We took a look at the ways that clinicians measure the neck pain that a patient feels in an earlier blog. Now we are going to investigate how doctors measure the impact of neck pain on a patient’s ability to Read More
In a previous article in the Broadgate Journal, we reviewed how pain is measured and quantified. This article will take a look at how clinicians are able to measure the ability of patients to manage daily activities and work. These measuring instruments have been developed by the research community in order to compare the clinical Read More
The neck is a part of the body that bears a lot of weight and over time it can begin to suffer from wear and tear. This degeneration of the neck is known as cervical spondylosis, which begins around the age of 40 and gets worse with age. Spondylosis affects the vertebrae, discs and joints Read More